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Church of Christ the King is a Reformed Baptist church with three priorities—God, the church, and the world. Our corporate worship service is distinct in its liturgy based upon Isaiah 6, its focus on the Trinity, and its inclusion of the family. Christ the King is affiliated with The Founders MinistriesG3 Ministries, and The Southern Baptist Convention.


First Priority

We are committed to loving God first of all, most of all, best of all; with all we are: heart, mind, soul and strength; with all we have: time, treasure, talent; in all we think, say and do. Our consuming passion is that God might be supreme in our values; in our affections; in our commitments. We are committed to worship as our highest expression of love; desiring and treasuring God above all else; glorifying God by delighting in Him.

This priority is expressed most directly in our ministry to God through corporate worship and the private life of devotion.

Second Priority
The Church

We are committed to loving God’s people by loving one another as Christ has loved us by serving each other out of reverence for Christ. Our earnest desire is to live humbly, transparently, and sacrificially with each other to be a family of God, reflecting His image. We are committed to nurture by helping one another grow in Christ; by supporting each other on the journey; by fostering each other’s passion for God and His all-satisfying glory.

This priority is expressed most directly in our ministry to the people of God through nurture, edification, education, and equipping.

Third Priority
The World

We are committed to loving the world by reaching out with God’s love to those who don’t know Him; by extending to them God’s offer of salvation and eternal life, and a personal relationship with Him. Our sincere prayer is that unbelief will be turned into faith; that rebels will become true worshipers; that the blind will come to see Christ as more precious, more soul-satisfying than all the treasures of the earth. We are committed to outreach by preaching and teaching the Gospel; through acts of mercy and charity; by the witness of Christ-like lives; by sending the Gospel to all the earth.

This priority is expressed most directly in our ministry to the world through missions, evangelism, and Christian service.



David Jacks - Elder


Tony Debenport - Elder

John Robert Leslie - Deacon


Carter Collins - Music


Welcome to our church and to one of the most vital things we do—worship the Living God. Below are a few pointers to assist you in joining fully into our worship.

We believe that corporate worship forms us into daily worshipers, and since the gospel is what sanctifies us, we have shaped our service to reflect the flow of the gospel. We begin with God’s call for us to worship him (Revelation), followed by praise (Adoration). We then admit our sins to God (Confession) and receive assurance of pardon in Christ (Propitiation). We thank him for our salvation, we hear his word preached (Proclamation), and we respond with commitment (Dedication). The climax of our service is an expression of fellowship with God (Communion or Supplication), and we conclude with a responsibility to go into the world with God’s blessing (Commission).

Our corporate worship is also a dialogue in which God speaks to us (through his word), and then we speak back to him (through prayer and song). Finally, worship is “the people’s work”; that is, the structure of worship allows for regular, active, participation of the congregation rather than a divide between “performers” and “spectators.”

We seek to saturate our worship with as much of God’s word as possible. Every service of worship will feature many portions of God’s word because it is the bread of life. We select hymns and psalms that support the gospel-shaped service and reinforce the message of the sermon. We use hymns that are time-tested, focused on God, and reverent. The sermon is an explanation of a portion of Scripture. Our pastors frequently preach through books of the Bible, trusting God’s Spirit to apply his word to your heart.

In essence, we seek to worship God as modeled in Scripture, not according to human imagination, custom, creativity, or glamour. This ancient and reverent worship form depends on God’s ordinary methods as effective means by which God conveys grace, strength, truth, love, and eternal life. We extend our hands to invite you to join us. Please return often to meet with the Living God!


Children are an important part of God’s family, and we are happy to have you and your family worship with us.


During the service, quietly explain the parts of the service and actions of the pastors, musicians, and other leaders. Sing the hymns, pray, and voice the responses. Children learn by imitating your participation. If you have an active child, you may need to take your child out of the service part way through. Keep stretching them until they can sit through the whole service. If you have to leave the service with your child, feel free to do so, but please come back. Live audio from the sanctuary is available downstairs in the fellowship hall for parents with children who may need to remain out of the sanctuary for longer periods of time.


Children are God’s gift to our church. They remind us that he is growing his body while raising up the next generation of his people. As Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me…” (Matthew 19:14).


Nursey is offered during the 9:00 AM hour for children up to 3 years of age.
Nursey is offered during our 10:30 AM worship service for visitor's children up to 4 years of age.



The men meet the second and fourth Thursday of the month at one of our homes for a meal and fellowship. We are currently using the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith for our topics of study. 


The women meet the first and third Wednesday of the month at one of our homes for snacks and fellowship. We are currently using the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith for our topics of study. 

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